
Monday, July 11, 2011

Module 3 ~Storyboard

Here is my storyboard for using best practices when participating in discussion boards.
**Due to technological difficulties, the actual powerpoint can't be uploaded at this time. Working to resolve this issue.**

Slide 1: Introduction
(Text) Best practices on discussion boards
(Graphic) Person using computer

Slide 2:
(Quote with references) "The Discussion Board is the heart and soul of the online community."
(Graphic) image of discussion board

Slide 3:
(Text) Why is it important to use best practices when participating in discussion boards?

  • to make each group member feel confident in participation

  • to ensure each member engages in collaborative knowledge generation which results in community building

Slide 4:

(Text) Best Practices Defined

  • Know the jargon

  • Plan ahead

  • Netiquette

Slide 5:

(Text) Know the jargon'

**important terms included

Slide 6:

(Text) Plan ahead

**includes ways participants should manage their time

(Graphic) Clock

Slide 7:

(Text) Netiquette

**includes suggestions for following the rules of internet etiquette

Slide 8: Conclusion
(Text) In conclusion, when participating in discussion boards it is important use best practices such as knowing the jargon, planning ahead and following the rules of netiquette.


  1. Beth,

    I had trouble uploading my power point also. I had to change it to a pdf file, upload it to scribt and post it to my blog. It took a while to do, but it worked. Scribt is a free download.


  2. Tracy,
    Thanks for the info, I will try that!

  3. Beth and Tracy,
    I also had trouble uploading my power point. I will definitely try Sribt also!

    It looks like you have a great start to your video! I love the quote and graphics you have already planned to use.

  4. Good job, you have a great plan for your topic. I think we all had problems uploading powerpoint to our blogs. I'm really looking forward to you presenting best practices for discussion board. I think we all can learn from this topic.

